Cervical cancer is caused by some strains of virus known as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
The secret to early detection and prevention is screening for the virus that causes it or using a tissue smear from the cervix (pap smear) or inspection of the cervix with chemicals (VIA) to check women for early signs of the transformation process initiated by the virus.
Detecting these viral strains is possible using either DNA or antigen test. More recently, certain proteins produced by the strains of the virus which cause the cancer, also called Oncoproteins, have been shown to give the most sensitive and accurate results of the presence of high risk of cancer.
Rapid diagnostic test kits which detect these proteins as well as the antigens are also available for the most accurate testing. These kits are easy to use, very affordable, and give instant results. An example is Mobilab HPV 16/18 which detects both antigens and oncoproteins.
To perform this test, a sample of fluid from the woman's cervix needs to be obtained. This sample is usually collected by a healthcare professional but recently self collection devices known as Self samplers have been introduced. The Mobilab Delphi Vaginal Self Sampler (DVSS) is one of such.
The video above explains how to collect self samples using the DVSS.
The collected sample can be taken to the laboratory for testing or tested by self if the woman has the kit.
You can find the testing center nearest to you by selecting your location in the designated section of this page for that.
You may also fill the request form to express your interest in the screening on any day and time of your choice using the appointment section.
You may also click here to invite your loved ones to screen. By doing so, you are helping to actualize the zero cancer in Africa Initiative.